Braintree Branch speeds up to 50mph now
Husband says I can't have dinner because I served family first
Failed in life
What's an underrated pizza topping?
Dairy-free muffins turned out bad
What’s this fish called
AIO for leaving my bf because he body shamed me
Just asked for her to elaborate
Cobra Kai
Had a weird dream last night
I think guys cant be in love with me cuz im too ugly
My gf told me she's pregnant and sent me a pic of this negative test. What should I do?
My GF (19F) Body Shames Me (20M) & It’s Ruining My Confidence—How Do I Handle This?
I'm not sexually attracted to women but I like when women like me
Are these anything?
What’s bros name?
Hygiene... 😬
My boyfriends high concoction: peanut butter on a burger
Mr Tumble
I’m more attracted to rouge the bat than real like women, and sometimes it worries me.
I'm straight men but when gay people whats to fuck me I feel so horny my dick getting hard and my ass wants to fucked why?
i purposely tripped to hide my fart and accidentally fractured my ankle in the process
I am a female sadist