I made headphones that turn your actual head into the speaker (using "exciters," not speakers, that vibrate your head to produce sound)
I bought the world's most expensive headphone.
Fiio K19: One leap forward, two steps back
What are you listening to tonight?
Does anyone feel like, over time you’re “less” critical of headphones?
Moved from house to an apartment temporarily
I have finally finished my self made electrostatic headphone energizer product, and launched a company to sell it with. In my opinion it sounds better than any energizer near its price bracket. Feel free to ask me anything.
F One, Marry One, Kill One. Go!
Pistachio earbud
I made a headphone system that’s impossible to not smile while listening
A Dutch aircraft listener from the 1930s
Bro Suffocation FUCKS
Low effort shitpost to start the week off right
I made fancy headphone stands for CanJam (headphone tradeshow in NYC next weekend)
I made a USB-to-headphone dongle called "Dong" that increases bass +20db with adjustable crossover (bringing it to San Francisco HiFiCon this weekend then CanJam if you wanna hear the thunder)
I made an iPhone case that unfolds into full-sized headphones
I make audiophile headphones. People said "...but you can't feel the bass in your chest" so I made a wearable subwoofer.
Does any company make a dongle DAC that has built in parametric EQ? Sometimes I want to EQ headphones when not tied to a computer or app. (wish list in comment)
HD 600 are incredible 🤯
10 years ago it'd be hard to imagine so much power, in such a small package.
My headphones are painful when I wear glasses. Does anyone have any advice to make them more comfortable?
Best mastered albums?
I make headphones. Someone asked me to make a pair for the gym and I think I nailed it (they weigh 10 lbs)
Philips fanboy
Wanted to feel the bass with headphones, so I made a wearable subwoofer