Pénzbírság járhat a Pride-on való részvételért
i found an easter egg in undertale
Azoknak akik lemaradtak volna: Orbán Viktor szerint azok a szeretteink, azok a családtagjaink, és azon magyar honfitársaink, akik nem tartják kívánatosnak az ő rendszerét, azok egytől egyig kiirtanivaló poloskák.
Innentől büszke poloska vagyok!
Baki Rahen | Chapter 41
Imagine the boobjob though
Újabb jó hír
Itagaki proportions strikes again. Jack's forearm is longer then Yujiro's entire torso.
Baki Rahen Chapter 41 raws
Cutting consciousness down to size
Let's see u survive the cuss bot
Oliva vs Guevara vibes
Undertale Cast
New baki game it sure is something
Sunbeam Wireless Giveaway
Baki Rahen Chapter 40 raws
Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god
Yes. My answer is right.
Chapter 168 English
Érettségivel lehetetlen elhelyezkedni?
Baki Rahen | Chapter 39
I’m seeing a lot of people saying current Jack is nothing without his biting… Don’t forget what Motobe said in their fight!
Do you consider Ashura ending as a happy or good end? Yeah Ohma died but he wasn't afraid of it since he did what he want and all the "good" characters are also got good ending.
Now that January has ended, I'm curious to see your thoughts on "Tao Te Ching" and what aspects resonated most with you.
Baki Rahen Chapter 37 raws