What is an example of a Multinational company that failed in the UK?
Do you sleep with your (and your children's) bedroom doors open or closed?
'England's most beautiful village' flooded by 'intolerable' TikTok tourists, as residents hit back
Decline in UK tech job adverts threatens young talent pipeline
Former footballer Joey Barton found guilty of assaulting wife
Former footballer Joey Barton found guilty of assaulting his wife
Ah yes, Birmingham Alabama where they talk with a thick brummie accent
"You may not live in Portland, but you definitely live in the US"
What is that title?
Not all bands are from USA
We have an impact on the corporations. Never lose hope.
What a different world it would be if everyone could follow this.
Consumption - greed or loneliness?
Where does anticonsumption stop and hoarding start?
Ah yes, every gen Z is American and knows "the Bill of Rights"
Week 12 Introduction Thread: Tanzanian
‘Key lessons of Covid are being forgotten,’ UK scientists warn
What is your serious answer to “you should just buy a house”?
Daily Discussion
Broadcast Telly is dying out, and im actually quite gutted.
Priority pathogens: UK draws up new disease-threat watch list
‘I feel really, really cross at incredibly dumb decisions’: Stephen Sackur on the end of HARDtalk – and leaving the BBC
Why It’s More Expensive Being Poor.
Red Nose Day loses a million viewers in a year, according to overnight figures
These are amazing, but…