ADHD Interview with Dr. John Kruse
QuarterShots Books worth it ?
For those who played Vasili as an important NPC
How Do You Go back to GM Basics?
Are any other servicers seeing repeated icing of defrost drain line on small Whirlpool fridges?
Magic items based on this picture
Self contained One Shot Recommendations?
For the rest of March you can only play 5 games. What are they?
Has anyone compared features of the various TTRPG combat systems?
Why can't we post pictures in this group? I have a picture of wiring I would like to share to get advice...
Is CoS too much to handle for a new DM?
Is it okay to have the Morning Lord actually be Strahd? What might that look like?
How can I make a no-alien, deep space exploration campaign interesting?
Running a session with less prep than you'd like
Anyone up for some OG Netrunner?
Appliance repair people: what's the grossest thing you've found in a clients appliance?
Giving the players a full map (minus labels)
Do you talk to players alone when interacting with the dark powers?
Fisher & Paykel Dishdrawer warning!
If Viktor's teleportation circle DID actually send the victims somewhere, where would it go?
Cool One-Shots or Small Adventures set on the Sword Coast
Good Prep Vampire Media
Cheatsheet for when to take -5 to hit for +10 damage with 2014 5e Sharpshooter or Great Weapon Master
I don't feel like I get the point of the Heart of Sorrow.
How do you organize your prep notes on paper?