Okay Reddit, do your thing, wth happened here?
How come I've never noticed this?
Zell card from upcoming Magic expansion
Ok, Mom said it's MY turn to get robbed, who do I need to keep safe?
"The port in Balamb" won for Best part of the city, What would be the wildest rumour on FF8?
WWYD-Cemetery is contacting me about a voodoo doll that they found with my personal info?!
Cemetery is contacting me about a voodoo doll that they found with my personal info?!
My friends 4 year old son had this in his stack
Balamb Garden cafeteria won for Best local cuisine place, What is the Place to avoid on FFVIII?
"The woman in Timber that helps Squall and others to hide in her house" Won for Local Hero, What is the Best Local cuisine place on FF8?
Found this thread from December 1997 of some people fighting about if FF7 sucked or not. Thought it was interesting due to the age lol
what was your first pokemon game here's mine
First game that comes to mind?
Rate my new plush
Is this to many plushies?
Overdue a good conspiracy
What Ellone said under her breath was...
Who’s your favorite fossil pokemon and why?
Zell's Weapon and the Mandela Effect
Dude had no honor started attacking when I bowed I almost had him too 😭🤦♂️
If you were given full control of a Final Fantasy VIII remake and a comically large budget, what would you change or add?
Eevee's name is Pancake. Still deciding on espeon's name.
Same product. Different countries.
Who else here has a "rare" favourite Pokémon? E.g. not a starter, legendary or Eeveelution.