..To whitewash Israel crimes
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Anarchists are the most annoying people ever
Dumbass trotskyist tries to compare the Trump admin's rhetoric to "Soviet propaganda"
Official White People TIerlist
These are officially the dumbest people ever
Can somebody explain how Marxists can be religious? I genuinely don't understand.
Sniping Expert Lonerbox Questions a UN Report (March 2025)
Remember this banger?
Erdoğan'ın en çok korktuğu şey! Böyle yapmamız lazım işte!
People are unironically talking about racism against white people in the H3 sub lmao
Why is Hasan's audience full of libs? Bernie tweeted about "250 years of democracy falling at the hands of Trump" a week ago. This is under a post from 2014 when he was openly zionist and debated pro-Palestinians and they act like he was a poor 13 year old boy back then when he was actually 72.
Main H3 thinks it’s safe for Hasan to go to Gaza because LoserB went to Israel and was safe.
Why is Hasan's audience full of libs? Bernie tweeted about "250 years of democracy falling at the hands of Trump" a week ago. This is under a post from 2014 when he was openly zionist and they act like he was a poor 13 year old boy back then when he was actually 72.
The H3 Podcast endorses BadEmpanada and approves of his live-streamed fundraiser for Palestine!
Viktor Orban's rival Peter Magyar, currently beating him in the polls in Hungary, says (to Orban, in Russian) "It's over comrade".
H3 fan doesn't think Destiny or Bonerbox are genocide supporters. Gets 240 upvotes.
Why is BE avoiding talking about the latest assassination attempt on Trump by the liberals? He just won't admit he's a liberal will he... Admit you support FDR BadEmpanada!
Wiping out 5 trillion from the stock market to lower egg prices by 4 cents
There was another assassination attempt on our president today 😢
I hate every single liberal
Ethan speculates about a coordinated effort to silence him since the reddit and twitch headquarters are a 16 min walk from each other
Why doesn’t badempanada talk about Israel’s strikes on the West Bank, Southern Lebanon or Syria? (These air strikes happened just days or weeks ago) I guess it doesn’t fit his narrative that trump brought peace to the Middle East.
Family of Palestinian student activist Mahmoud Khalil just released footage of his arrest by ICE for protesting Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people. No charges have been laid. No arrest warrant either.
Ethan threatens to sue Noah Samsen, defends LonerBox