The new Cursor Is noticeably worse.
RE2MAKE or RE7 for the first timer?
Is this game worth it if I didn't like Dead Space Remake?
Dead Space vs Resident Evil, which is the overall scarier series?
Stop Talking About Vibe Coding Please
[KCD2] How slow is this game compared to RDR2?
Examples of good Vulkan code organization and abstractions?
Has cursor become exceedingly stupid over the past few days?
Need help making a renderer-agnostic GLTF loader
Just implemented custom bvh-based culling for my in-progress engine.
WTF is this new update ?!
Daughter assaulting her mother
Frustrum culling: in CPU or in GPU?
How long does it take to finally "get" Vulkan?
We cooked..?
Was this always in the game or did they update it? I thought zombies were the only ones with dismemberment
After ~30hrs, I finally realized there's a "sort" option for the item box with multiple preset sorting schemes.
Just beat RE2R on Hardcore for the first time. I'm so relieved.
Assisted difficulty
Just got the game, who to choose for story?
How to end yourself painlessly?
Genuine question - Why are so many people such big fans of the RE engine?
Samay will never forget this guy
I think i genuinely soft locked myself..
Linus Torvalds, an underrated philosopher