12 Rules Around the Signs
Soppy a$$ cancers
Visible emotions 🫤
Is it just me…
Please let yourself be known
Slightly trippy room setup
My GF made steak and eggs for breakfast and some espresso
✨️ how your zodiac sign can change for the better. 😬
First time making cupcakes!
Pickled pepperoni on a cracker
Pizza Pasta Beans&Tuna
Was i too harsh?
🙄..what sign?😔
What sign lied to you the most? 🤯
Do you guys agree with ChatGPT answer on “what’s the sign with the most famous people”?
Aquarius- do you text with anyone 24/7? If so, who is it?
I hate when certain astrological events are hyped up and nothing actually ever happens
I hate small talk
Where are my Capricorn ladies at.
Which sun and moon sign is this 🙈
Zoloft or Lexapro?
Signs and placements that LOVE to argue + debate
Aquarius was voted as the most awkward zodiac sign, and Sagittarius as the least awkward. Next: which sign is the most jealous, and which is the least?