Anyone in NYC know if the Times Square billboard is still gonna be up today? I kinda wanna go see it in person.
Price hit 250s, are you still in the stock?
told yall he’s coming .
now that the billboards are gone and the promo has gotten out.
PontiacSilverdome going to top 5 bones
Yooo, yall think this gonna be on the next drop ??
Lawyer’s thread on album’s release
Carti x Spotify "Music is coming" posters
Charm tattoo ✨❤️
why does everyone dislike guys listening to clairo ?
some outfits i’ve made with a few le fleur pieces
Daughters vaping at school.
What do u think Carti thinks of the 9/11 attack?
Bruh the lady he posted on Plotttwistttt is Serena’s agent ☠️
All of Me feature
mail days are always the best
Mexican fights racist black guy and White person
Which rapper do you believe is truly in it for the long haul—driven by passion rather than just fame or money?
My boyfriend keeps saying thank you, and I didn't even do anything
Clairo's message to Brooklyn's Bisexual Men
I have liked a girl for a long time