My take on a Spider-Dragon ! What do you think ? :D
I did a drawing of a trap door spider
Sharing this cute little bot fly I drew with pencils. These guys are found in North America and are not the human kind. Those ones are naked.
Scary things
I am VERY curious about east asia...
This oil beetle was rude enough to wake me up in the middle of the night but polite enough not to give me any blisters while I carried them outside.
Yoke Fiends of the Reaching Hand
Urban(?) Exploring blog(Dungeons of Fear and Hunger) #6
Always the best books
Miku the Alcyona traumatizing the shrimp population
Help! She's hydrophobic
devils cry
When you try to help, but your definition of ‘helping’ is a little... different.
The idea of death as the solution to a world of suffering and the philosophy of "Better Never to Have Been"
About the biobot
What's this little guy that paid me a visit last night?
Goliath stick insect on my car
Platymeris biguttatus “Ghost”
the sign language of the heretics trying to invade the invincible iron wall of the two horns:
🔥 This pangolin looks fully armored.
If a sin-eater eats the flesh of a metachrist, will they just straight up die???
Where to post funny dog