Apakah eksekusi lahan oleh kantor pengacara sah?
Do people actually stare at me?
Those who grew up poor, what is something those who weren't poor don't understand about being poor?
What was the world like before everyone had a cell phone?
Rekomendasi mobil bekas budget 300jt kebawah
The last thing you ate will be he’s name
Kalian yang bayar buat adobe, why???
TIL that the Skogsrå is a Swedish mythical creature with a tail, a hollow back, and skin like tree bark. She lures men into the forest, and anyone who has intercourse with her becomes introverted.
Set Meal Grand Hyatt (Indonesian)
Which is the strongest titan (excluding founding titan)
How do you recharge as an introvert?
Kamus Duit
truk kecelakaan, warga menjarah telur, hape, sampai tws kernet
Any good name suggestions for this little devil? (He’s a little dramatic)
Ada yang pernah nyoba jasa sharing account steam?
Tunangan minta break. Gua gatau salah dimana.
"To Indonesians I'll never be fully Indonesian, but to the Chinese, I don't even speak the language and have never even lived in the mainland"
A girl invited me to her room. Idk what to do.
Pertama kali ngekost
Steam Game Giveaway (max. IDR 500k)
Aitah if I divorce my husband for not wiping his butt?
Walking tips?
What do guys think about Ahok?
Where are the slums/homeless in Jakarta, want to help for Ramadan?
Serious question, what is the one thing that makes you feel relieved to be born in Indonesia?