Do you guys keep the cards or throw them away?
Which one? There are like, four.
Current thinking about 14th to 15th timeline? (AKA what the hell is going on here?)
Was it stated anywhere why the patreon membership is now $5 more than the YouTube membership?
The series numbering split seems needlessly confusing
Just finished InFamous Second Son (Spoilers)
Best video game moments of all time
Should my GF play TLOU then watch the show or Watch the show then Play TLOU?
Possibly my favorite franchise Any other franchise I should start collecting?
Looking to Remake InFAMOUS in Unity – Need Assets
Here’s why the next MK will in fact be called “Mario Kart 9”
Best Last of U Pt 2 Poster?
Best Pokemon Centre, prove me wrong.
Does this PS3 disc still work
Would be cool if they got another actor to play Troughton or Pertwee like they got Richard Hurndall and David Bradley to play Hartnell.
Is the Ps5 a good enough DVD/BLU Ray Player
Potential collab on Anthony Padilla’s channel?
Can you name the missing shrine?
This Shot from the Series 3 Finale
Any other media like series 1-4?
I’m new to the infamous series which game should I get?
Dark Knigt IMAX v Standard
First time playing .. I don't know why I did that..
How am I doing?
Can anyone recommend a movie thats like infamous(photos so I stand out)