GS design in Risebreak is cancer dogshit stupid
To this day, ancient forest in mhw is still the worst map ever designed in the whole serie.
Oh what’s that? You want help on an event quest outside of Alatreon, Fatalis or Arch Temp Velkhana?
Monster Hunter: Wilds glitched terrain, everything else is fine
How to fix black screen on load (Wilds Beta)
Emori Aya posted more pics from her Disneyland trip
Emori Aya and Ookuma Wakana went to Disneyland (Aya also posted extra photos)
Spileben - 「序章」(Prologue) (Ookuma Wakana's solo project, Spileben, first single. Released yesterday).
How can Fedora be considered a serious OS with these default settings?
Iceborne endgame monsters are absolute bs
Brachydios made me realise just how fucking shit these iceborne fights are.
So am I crazy or does Fatalis genuinely have unavoidable attacks for non-shield users?
Aoyama Nagisa Took Over AruAru City
What is the best way to update between major releases? +Question about DEs
I can’t take alatreon anymore man
Ok so get this: it’s 1999, the housing market is affordable, you are a healthy American middle-class white dude with a comfy job with a good income, but you’re convinced there must be something more to make your life enjoyable. WHAT AN ORIGINAL IDEA
Dude said “fuck learning I’m just gonna pray for a carry”
I don’t understand Lunastra
Email client that runs in background, has sys trey icon, sends notifications on new msgs
Multiply by dx
This is some peak GU bullshit.
Question regarding Nvidia driver upgrade procedure
Something I really hate about the fight of MHW's Fatty