Any experiences with Scorpio Men?
So who is going to see Snow White?
This "Can't use ability" on your charged skills has got to go
New shape revealed (Salvations Edge)
What is americas best sandwich?
Do you ever get overwhelming sadness?
I know I hate on cineworld
Fallen Order worth it?
Which games releasing this year are a day one must purchase for you?
Aquarius Energy in a Nutshell
Do Aquarius like it when you ignore them?
Requested bank statements. Help
LEGO Horizon Adventures is really good!
Marching Powder - thoughts?
When is the soonest I can swim safely after getting a cartilage piercing
Concept art for She-Hulk for Marvel's Avengers that was planned
What song lyrically impacts you the most from her?
Raid etiquette
Aquarius how do you love ?
guilty! thoughts?
These 2 tasks really irk me
How the hell did y'all walk around with Discmen???
I am so explosively excited for Borderlands 4. So going to pre-order it.
Can We Go Back To Old Strike Modifiers Please…
Brave The Storm