Two Bugs (?)
Weekly DreamSnaps Megathread - Share your DreamSnaps for this week's DECOR challenge: "My Cabinet of Curiosities" and More
New cube?
I drank again…
Who was meant to be a fan fav but ended up being annoying?
Who was meant to be annoying but ended up being a fan fav?
MP4 HAS WON!! Day 2: Which Mario Party has the best Boards?
Music Shop Purpose
i found the headstone next to Endicotts in ep. 9 :)
Glitch on Switch - Timeout?
Accidental Instagram Post
Design my Foyer
Zal has updated his profile pic on twitter (x)
Brit promoting a Netflix series
I think it's happening this time??
I have to say it: Ep 4 was not good
Flashlight looks familiar
Post from The_OA_Impressions
Zal just retweeted
Theorizing & Book Connection
I can't stop thinking about this (AMATEOTW)
People timing out
SAVE - Married Filing Jointly Question
Park & Fine London Book Fair 2023: The Blackbird Oracle - Deborah Harkness - Release for Summer 2024! Breakdown coming soon!
So excited about the new AMATEOTW announcement!!! ... and then I saw this 😔