Canadians hit tipping point on tips, say they are too high and too pushy - Average consumer thinks 9% is appropriate, far below the typical gratuity prompt
Grown man gets mad and breaks his TV
Aftermath of train hitting herd of reindeer (source in comments)
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Fight between bald eagle and Canada goose in Burlington bay 'very symbolic,' says photographer
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Sorry Val, people have spoken
Another Federal Poll (EKOS) LIB 38.4, CON 37.0, NDP 11.8, BQ 4.2, GRN 4.2, PPC 3.1
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This guy should probably be worried about the tooth protruding from his cheek.
Climate change may mean migrants can’t be returned to hard-hit regions: IRC Canada
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12 ft Croc nicknamed Hannibal at Miami zoo exhibit.
I visited US after living in Canada for two years. Canadians are relatively so much polite.
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THE GOVERNMENT wants you to have as many children as you can so there are more tax payers. Idiots you are.
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