Maureen resurfaces in Australia 👀
Good vet for a puppy in Mountain View/Sunnyvale area
I'm house hunting and I'm a little worried about this neighborhood 👀
Just another cute kit 😄
(Non-teacher) What’s the Best/Worst Depiction of Teachers in Media?
WHY? Isn't it the square root of 200/.005?
There is a cat food can stuck perfectly in my drain and I can't get it out.
Nice to know you're wanted
What’s the worst sub you’ve had at your school?
Just 2 guys in 2003
What profession was once highly respected, but is now a complete joke?
They're so good at Poofing
[Music] Hugh Jackman ignores doctor's advice and belts out "From Now On" at read-through of Greatest Showman. Just incredible.
Nearly lost it in PD today
Unexpected Airport Screening Experience
Who is the worst TV couple that a long-running show seemed to randomly decide was end-game?
The Home Alone house is for sale for $5.25 mil
The girl from Colombia in the new season is an escort.
Two characters that matched each others freak
I had to tell some students today they would be failing my class but I knew exactly what to wear.
Who has the best job in the world?
Name the worst possible present you can give someone with ADHD. I'll start: GIFT CARDS 😖😵💫
What did you do today that made you feel like a terrible parent?
Love in Paradise: 90 Day Fiance - Season 4 Episode 2 - Live Episode Discussion
Oh yeah this ugly-ass duckling bout to be fine as hell