can someone draw the angry librarian that lives in my house
guess how much she weighs (i’m just curious how big/small she looks to other people)
she tried to steal the dog’s leftovers roast her
she’s been dechonked for a while but i wanted to show off anyways
her favorite things to play with are this pile of paper and a stitchbow
for my birthday i made pavlova with lavender infused whipped cream, lemon curd, fresh and brûléed figs, topped with lemon zest.
Can I be evicted for taking in a pregnant stray.
jellybean peed on his paws and then tried to eat dried rabbit turds. roast this nasty boy.
why is my boiled egg skinny
Unexpected encounter – my Poecilotheria formosa decided to jump on me!
Urgent help needed after cat fight!
So Good! Had anyone else tried these?
Forgot a cucumber in my backpack for over a month
Is this mold? Its my first time eating grapefruit
Usually I hate pickle “flavored” snacks..
my cat just came back like 20 min ago from outside and he has been sneezing alot, what does that mean?
My dad sent this to me.
My babies made me a bear rug
what are your dogs names and the nicknames you gave them?
My cats keep getting on the counters.
not my floss picks😭
Lost sex drive after getting a cat
Do cats poop outside the litter box if they're upset?
My 5month old puppy and my 2 year old cat play too rough.
Uti-safe dental treats?