This pops up everytime I try transfering data from Facebook, any help?
Ain't no way
[discussion] Leadership check. Show me how much leadership you have
Battle cats players choosing a generalist Uber [fluff]
tell me 1 dumb mistake you did when you first started the game and didnt know anything, ill go first [fluff]
Is she better than inzanami?
How messed up is your progression? Here's mine. [Discussion]
[Discussion] Post Your Legend Ticket Pulls Here!
Is my progression [Fluff]ed?
[Fluff]Whats your most hated restriction in cotc.
what is one team that can beat all [fluff] ing stage?
Wich one should I choose? [discussion]
[fluff] today i found out the max level for normal cats are apparently +90
We making bank with this [FLUFF]
I hate this game [fluff]
[Fluff] What is your user rank/progression now?
Which enemy is your most hated? For me it's this [Fluff]ing piece of s#it
Describe your utter hatred for this [fluff]er without using vowels
Dasli doesn't like being seen acting cute [Fan-Made]
[fluff] hardest cotc 3 stage in my opinion how did y’all beat it?
Bro what????? [Fluff]
[Fluff] 10 rolls 6 feesh
Hii, besides the rare ticket absence that was already a confirmed error from Ponos itself, Im not getting my daily rewards today, I am connected to an stable wifi, anyone else has this [fluff]ing problem?
[Discussion] What Battle Cats hot take do you have that puts you in a situation like this?
So what did y’all get from the free [Fluff] Platinum Ticket?