My father-in-law accused me of being obsessed with the price of poultry products lately...
Rant about responses to a joke: I made the mistake of posting a joke about a Koala needing socks on its "bear feet"
How to ruin the internet by putting down a few symbols 2,000 years ago.
If you could sit and have a drink with one celebrity (dead or alive) who would it be?
Genre films directed by women?
I'm looking for a movie where the hunter becomes the hunted .
My girlfriend dressed up as a policewoman and told me I was under arrest on suspicion of being good in bed.
My friend can't hold a steady job because of his masturbation problem
They all invited you over for a holiday dinner. Who's house you choosing?
If 69 is a position, what is 68?
Help with book suggestions.
We know from Scripture that Jesus preferred soft boiled eggs…
Marx famously said that "religion is the opium of the masses"
What's the best one-liner joke you've ever heard?
Anyone remember when jean Claude van damme did a split on two volvo trucks?
Do I remind you of someone? Me on the far right of photo. (Read caption)
Knock knock. Who's there?
What book should I bye
Dying Farmer's Last Wish
SFAH: Things NOT To Say When Penis Enlargement Ends Badly
Most faithful movie adaptation of a book
I love this one. It teaches a lesson
Please give me your deepest cut indie film from the 90s/00s
Where do you find a 3-legged dog?
Sex shops have the most noble customers