Why can’t I plant seeds?
Best binge worthy YouTubers?
Someone told me I was a terrible artist
I saw this and realized I could be doing better when speaking with my coworker
Feel free to suggest more.
Jack of all trades, master of none
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
thoughts on my survival house?
I thought it would be fun if I showed a behind the scenes where you see the paintings i did from the wrong angle
Solarpunk / Afrofuturism city buildings
House I partially made
What would you do with this book?
I saw one of the funniest things in my life tonight
First wrangler looking for modification suggestions
Cool village i found (seed) -2032795982907864146 (xyz) 167 63 70
Update on my survival world
Why cant i get any flint? Ive been trying for hours. (Its daytime)
Why won't the diamond drop when I mine it? I've been mining for hours! (it's daytime)
Why can’t I light the portal?
Why doesn't this work?
First death
Checking in late from enemy territory!
Got my first jeep! What should i name it?
A concept for a an end mob: the angel of death