People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
My 12 year old loses his memory when he hits his butt
Weekly Discussion/General Questions Thread - March 10, 2025
Mechanic has had my motorcycle for FOUR months and it’s still not finished
Elon Musk: "According to the Social Security database, these are the numbers of people in each age bucket with the death field set to FALSE! Maybe Twilight is real and there are a lot of vampires collecting Social Security"
what's the biggest (physical) pain you've ever felt?
Got lectured because I didn’t “ask to take days off 2 months from now.
Montana congressman offered our local arena as a detainment center for immigrants.
There can only be one.
Spot what's missing...
“If I have to carry him out of the fire”
On a post about bar soap
Bought this for my grandpa. He sends the next two photos the next morning
When I was emotionally traumatized as a child I had this feeling. What is it called?
What's your age, and what's the biggest challenge you're currently facing right now?
Ashes to ashes
What industry is a lot more dark and sinister than most people realise?
Inherited a lot of miniatures- help
Can't find much on google about this one r
What is the adult version of finding out that Santa Claus doesn't exist?
Is this a hidden camera in new apartment mirror
After 38 years of existence...I finally realized how exhausting it all is.
Am I the asshole for how I responded to a love letter?