Looking for albums that are blooming, loving, life-affirming
Is it really ironic or just natural that the most common type wants to feel unique?
Full metal Alchemist Thoughts related t neoplatonism
Give me a book that really fucks around with your mind
Giving up on tfm method
What's the most creepy frame from the series for you? I start first
what is ween's 'bohemian rhapsody'?
how do you fill the emptiness?
Which is considered a monster?
Philosopher names
e4 book link (claudio nanjaro version) so you don’t have to buy it urself to learn more about e4, yw
Do you get paralyzed when talking to someone you like?
finished lost last night, now what?
What should I read to prepare to read Guénon?
why is there something rather than nothing
Suggest me a book that is going to change my life!
reading IJ my senior year of highschool— 600 pages in
How to start learning philosophy?
is it possible to be ti dom and e4?
What is the one book you wish you could read again for the 1st time
What Lost opinion do you have that makes you feel like this?
Pour la methode nature, est 'Tintin' ou 'Le petit prince' un meilleur choix pour un débutant?
Philosophy readings for someone struggling with apathy and atomization at early midllife
What books to buy now that history is being deleted online?
Is a physical vessel necessary for a consciousness to exist?