First time playing need a build
In your opinion, which Life Path by far is the best?
Gonna warn all the noobs
What was your first anime?
Is expansion packs needed to enjoy the game ?
I swear I am trying
Challenge fight conditions be like
Is the standard edition worth it ?
bruh 🤣🤣🤣russia is not for rubbers
I love ice cream too much to quit it. wish me luck
Yippee! Finally got level 52 after 6 days of playing(I started on March 2)
What do you choose?
I am terrified of colonoscopy
Gastroenterologist question
Gonna complete Special Edition how long it might take?
What is the best feeling you can experience besides orgasm?
I stole
Which one these should I sign ?
It's can't be an coincidence that every next camper belongs to india :/
r/Indiangaming 450K Giveaway
Is this a good controller ?
I don’t think there’s a card that perfectly encapsulates current Konami indifference to F2P base more than this guy lol.
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
Did it feel like this for you when you first started the diet?
Someone asked me how I play widow aggressively here it is