Is an Osprey backpack actually worth it
Ambulance cost as a BC resident
What size backpack should I get? Europe trip
Going back to my old job. Worth it or not?
Nose piercing won’t heal
Any recommendations for a good online store for sex toys?
I enjoy biting into ice cream bars with my front teeth
Had an argument with s/o , now I don’t know what’s going on
CMV: The customary system is more convenient than the metric system for the average person going about their daily life
Anyone else extremely disappointed that 5% is withheld for dropping a course A MONTH before the semester even starts!??!
This cause me some laughs lol
Looking for good shows/movies to watch while baked. Any recommendations?
The perfect crisp
I always want to draw on lsd, nothing else
Couldn't write a title
Canadians are extremely rude and ignorant online and nobody seems to acknowledge it.
Whatever happened to them movie theaters in wich you came in your car
Crazy entitled Scottsdale Target mask destroyer is arrested, live blogs it, claims to be Qanon spokesperson.
Gnarly chain reaction from a wrong way driver
Kinda think entering bad trip
Many plant-based milks taste way better than regular cow milk
disoriented if i don’t smoke weed??
I wonder if anyone's run out of gas at a gas station before?
Mark Wahlberg is in a lot of cop/soldier movies.
Everyone Should wear Designer Clothes