does anyone else get these flat, non-itchy, dotted rashes?
Do you still drive?
“fine” throughout day, but terrible aching as soon as I lay down to sleep or rest
Why doesnt Taylor do more “fun” youtube interviews ?
hives- new symptom or allergy to plaquenil
How do I even get started moving to Canada as an average US citizen?
my SIC loves her brother a little too much?
it’s not fair that i have to take these horribly painful benlysta injections for the rest of my life
Actress Kathy Chow dies “from lupus”
what does “PAY YOUR SERVER” on a bill mean?
Rachel Berry in Top 10 Most Hated TV Characters (20k voters) 😭😭 ???
what's your favorite laugh/ giggle in a song?
Canadian woman (Montreal, QC). Looking into sponsoring boyfriend from New York (USA)
Is there a glee cover you guys think it's better than the original?
People who stopped taking their lupus medication & later regretted it, what happened?
Slasher and Sgares talking about how Mel has been denied trials from several T1 teams on the basis of her gender
Confused between Animation Mentor and AnimSchool
Deaf, Senior Female Cat in Urgent Need of a Home!
About AnimSchool
Weekly routine.
What was your initial reaction to “You have lupus” ?
Tips on reducing shaky hands/hand tremors? (SMALL VENT)
How often do you see your rheumatologist?
extending already existing visitor extension?