1999 Lionel ‘working’ keychain layout!
Lego technic powered Ferris wheel
My bedroom layout(s)
Scene camera keeps getting stuck and unable to move with WASD
My nails turned white 2 years ago. A dozen doctors a hundred tests and they’re all stumped
Spider!! Little dude. Thought it looked a little bit like a wolf spider but it’s way too small
Out of every other main antagonist, which one would you want to permanently delete & erase their concept from the whole show?
Better late than never. First train at 53. Should I open these?
Painting backdrop
Progress on first layout (Part 4)
If someone gave you $10k rn what’s the first thing you would do?
my luau script with an unimaginable amount of safety preventions outputted this (i still have not figured out how and why)
What should the first song be that I play in my tacoma?
What is THE word you can never spell correctly?
Why aren’t you out tonight?
Just lighted the buildings
Check this little dude out
Just got these awesome passenger cars!!
The n scale collection is now just called my collection… everything else is periphery
What are some lyrics from a song that really resonated with you on a personal level?