Is Nbome really that bad?
What artist can you simply not stop telling people about?
New to the sub, but have to ask. How does this sub feel about Phish?
Artists who you believe will be extremely influential in the next 20 years
Just discovered the song Molly from The Pod. How does this sub feel about this song?
Best *band* starting with letter P?
Is there a jam you feel went out too long?
Watching Brooklyn 04 and what are the best curtain with jams?
What’s Everyone Doing Tonight??
Brad Sands on Best Show Ever
What Band Is This? For me it's Palisades
Would you watch another James Mangold music biopic? If so, who should it be about?
How does this sub feel about Marc Rebillet?
Best Moma Dance?
Crappy enough?
Looking for some good audio quality shows on Relisten from 97-99.
You know...
Antelope 37 years apart
Did the baby have a name?
Whats your favorite music to listen to on psychedelics??
What is your favourite album of all time and your favourite movie of all time?
First live song
what’s the best song to die to?
I’m hungover and I have gabapentin will that help?
My man is a Phish fan!