What would you do if you found out your baby has Down syndrome and you’re still early enough to terminate?
WIBTA if I leave my husband while pregnant and move across the world?
How do you handle public ‘bad’ parenting?
Samantha Jo Strable, baby wombat-snatcher and “influencer” doesn’t agree with being called a villain for endangering wildlife
Is anyone else triggered by the new Meghan Sussex show?
Annoying things my MIL has said since finding out I’m pregnant
Am I overreacting?
I'm 18 and pregnant and this is the hardest decision ever !
What was your workout routine throughout your pregnancy?
Anhedonia - @Mattbrandoncreative
Cazzie David shares texts with her mom making fun of ‘With Love, Meghan’
All I want to eat is fruit
Has anyone ever started a job pregnant (early pregnant) and not tell their new employer?
How's it?
What's your theory that you can't prove, but that you think might hold up if someone were to do some real, legitimate research on it?