Most Arsenal thing i've seen
Guess what country I’m from based on the cities I can name :)
I have a theory...
That rework would be horribly trash, she will become a blonde princess
Does the 49 Euro Ticket have a weekly or a daily version by any chance?
Mi baja xdd
Pécs ma visszafizette a Fideszes vezetés által felvett csődhitel utolsó részét és ingyen Quimbyvel ünnepelnek
day 1 of trying to get a comment from every region
Hát most erre mit lehet mondani
What country has the worst reputation currently?
Please reply your country!
Top 197 comments add country
"Fallen Republic Legacy" Timeline (1400) - AMA
Transylvania, Romania
Single island independent countries over 100,000 km2
Central Powers victory in WW1. Japan and Italy in central powers
Map of Europe if Holy Roman Empire and Ottoman Sultanate were never formed (reworked)
Guess where I‘m from!
If the Prussians lost during the 7 years war
Is your country considered east or west?
What if Rome survived to be conquered by the Islamic Caliphates? 1492 AD
What Map is This (Wrong answers ONLY)
Go Orange! What do we call the land of tarred heels?
We now have New York at home. What do we call this almost-square state?