Windshield visibility not required when driving
I [24F] had accidentally killed my boyfriend’s [28M] bird and had said hurtful things to him... I’m afraid that he’s going to hate me
Touchscreen stopped working
How do I dispose of an old TV in Mississauga?
Woman admits she made up rape claims that put innocent man in jail and reveals she targeted him over his ‘creepy’ looks
My infant niece has passed unexpectedly
Peel and Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board School Closed / Full system closure due to weather conditions - February 13, 2025
A random guy on the street asked to buy my socks.
Rare footage shows Sophia, a 60-year-old orca grandmother, killing a great white shark.
I pretend to be bad at things so people don’t ask me to do them again.
Who do you wish was marriageable in Skyrim, but isn't?
Is it really that bad? ^^
Update: a fifth water main has broken. An update from Mississauga Valley
You can date any eminence in shadow charecter but they all treat you how alexia treats cid
This is 'Fake Safe Rock’, a nearly identical copy of a real safety landmark on Mount Asahidake, Japan. Hikers who mistook it for the actual 'Safe Rock' were led to a deadly valley below, resulting in multiple deaths during the infamous SOS incident
Changing my address for Ontario Photo Card
This scene tells me Ranma actually wanted Shampoo around. How accurate was the translation?
Financial Wealth Manager is angry…that Park City Ski Patrol is striking for more money and is inconveniencing him while he is on vacation.
Newborn baby's reaction to his mother's first kiss is priceless.
Ranma 1/2 OP side by side with Long hair and Short hair Akane
Man with a huge ballsack
This guy is like the fusion of a cockroach and dog shit
whole bus is empty and this person sits right next to me?
I think the two dad's reaction made Ranma's "confession" more believable!