Guys my boyfriend thinks he is cool.
Family member harassed me and my mom said that I made a huge deal out of it.
Karan Johar's insta post
My Cousin(molester and would be rapist) is Blackmailing Me and idk what to do HELP
My boyfriend’s stalker: from pick me to full- blown school mene page creator.
Question for everyone, will y'all date/friends a "dark" skinned girl?
Where to go in delhi with cousins
Slapped a pervert man in metro today
How 16yo boys feel after calling his 16yo gf mommy 🤡
For Boys.
how do I start talking to her?😭
I feel like I was robbed of my first kiss
Holi is the only time for men like these to have physical contact with women without's infuriating to watch
Recent Rape Cases
My father said he didn't want my gift
How old were you when you formed your first crush?
Why does my bf not like clicking pictures with me?