What Radiohead song is he playing?
Opinions on my weezer album rankings?
NAW!!! blud NEEDA to move COUNTRIES!!! after this!
guess how many bitches i get based on my playlist🔥
Most recent radiohead song. Or else.
Pinkerton hurts to listen to now
i lied to my mom about pinkerton
A 12 year old's Blue tier list
Blue album and Pinkerton tier lists (with Pinkerton bonus tracks included) AMA or argue with me about my rankings because I'm bored.
What would you steal from my collection?
Guess how I'm doing mentally based on my playlist...
If Rivers Cuomo and Prince got into a fight, who would win?
We have a new Weezer fan
Steal ur favorite cd from my collection
Who is this guy (Wrong Answer Only)
Been faithful to Thom Yorke and Radiohead only
Why did the rock band „The Creeps“ drop the 2nd disk before the first??
My tier list after putting Pinkerton in “D”, and then relistening to it
Wait a minute... I think I'm on to something. I thinkI found a face on Pablo Honey too!
Correct Tier List #HurleyGang
Why would they name it Buddy Holly? Are they stupid😡😡😡😡
I think that let down is overrated AMA!
I love Surf Wax America so very much
anyone have a silly brian bell image? something like these?