blade bird ISN’T about a relation
Rockman but better
Why didn’t the settlers develop New York here first? Isn’t this a better harbor?
it’s fucked up ngl
UNITED STATES, LA what is this?
Abandoned House on Route 1 in Saugus, MA?
Barcade JC closing 6/15, hope to return to JC eventually
New lady gaga song had me feeling like I heard this before somewhere
Need help identifying brand/model of faucet/handles
Alex Van Halen drum solo sampled in "How Many Miles"
JPEGMAFIA says for Pitchfork and its stop reporting on him and to remove his art as well.
Dublin wins green! What city is Blue?
Can i make it Shut Up and Ride
[FRESH ALBUM] Daryl Johns - Daryl Johns
Order of Ecclesia be so fun until…
Boston Math Rockers Unite:
Hottest Takes
Video game influenced noise rock?
What Is The Worst Album of All Time? (Comment with most upvotes gets chosen.)
If You Want More Mk.gee-ish Artists, I've Got One
Mk.gee is going to be on the SNL directly after this crazy election hes about to get alot of attention
What vibe does this give off?
Any other bands similar to Undo K From Hot?
Is Mc Tide the only one who ever does vocals?