Question with Slicer and Model
Reinforcements! Lord Kakophonist and Lucius proxies
Manchester students fighting fee and rent hikes
Just a tank printed on my ender 5 with some added texture.
Deathwatch dreadnoughts
Camera fault
Any alternative for vindicators (loyalist)?
Rumours of no predators
Carcharodon Deimos Pattern Predator Executioner with plasma destroyer and heavy bolters.
Golden Banana Coffin Part 2. 🏆🍌⚰️
Proxying Dark Angles Deathwing Knights as Deathwatch Veterans??
Deathwatch wins LVO 🎉
What does the hivemind think of my kitbashed venomthropes
Vindicator printed on bambu A1 mini
Blood Angels Ballistus Dreadnought
Tactical rocks for Jump Assault Marines?
Painted up 8560 points in 2024, here's the first and last model I painted this year
MW question
2 captains - 1 set
Buy advice
Sister got me this for Christmas is it good?
2000 pts Deathwatch Blackspear Task Force - Tournament list
Terminator Cyclonic Missile Proxy ideas
AI Startup - registered in Delaware vs UK?
Finally dialed in my settings to make a squad of deathmarks