I work in the UK for an international corporation and the Director of the UK is a massive a*hole to everyone, should I do something like "an open letter to BrewDog"?
Mother’s Day V Father’s Day Cards
I’ve opted out of my pension, was this a mistake
Should I bring a representative with me to a disciplinary meeting?
Am I overthinking about language barrier if I travel to the EU as tourist?
Landlord rejecting pets
How do you say "from"?
Anyone else find the OU library confusing?
Someone tried to steal tools from my partners van... should he go to the police if the video shows partner attacking them?
Americans in general
I may be a millionaire (but probably not)
Why are trains so expensive?
I farted in the stairwell at work and it caused a entire ordeal.
Are we actually using the right renewable energy in the UK?
Non-STEM graduates of the UK: what do you actually do for a living?
SNP Gov accused of stopping £1bn economic 'boom' over new nuclear power snub
Sturgeon passes SNP election vetting
Supervisor made me do overtime but did not mention it was unpaid.
Is leasing a car worth it as self-employed?
Which qualification do you *actually* need to PAT / EET test?
Would you judge someone going to a english country pub all by themselves for a meal?
Feel like I'm edging toward financial ruin 😪
Energy - Why are we subjecting the working class to the highest energy prices in the world?
10% of Brits supposedly believe they'd win a fight against a chimpanzee. I think that's nonsense, but say there was a world tournament where every country sends one fighter up against a chimp. Who are we voting to represent the UK?