What Ethnicity am I??
Does the Ansestry DNA hack work in 2025?
Is 73,000 matches pretty common? I have that many and was just wondering what others have to see if it’s low or a lot. Thanks.
Don't start flaming
My DNA list pretty boring. Haha
Ever come across an old Ancestry picture that looks like a celebrity?
Multi Generational Mixed Results
Would you guys say my illustrative DNA results makes sense for my ancestry?
My dna and pic :)
My DNA and picture
How do subregions work? Me and my biological father have all different subregions. I didn’t get any of his and he has zero of mine. Is this normal?
DNA results- US based
Got my results yesterday.
My DNA and Me
Repost forgot too include a few things.
My results are exactly what I expected, nothing more or less hah
Idk if anyone cares but I want to share.
My DNA results as an American, very surprised to be half French!
Dang, at least they got straight to the point.
Can someone help me find out if my East German ancestor had any Polish ancestry?
Surprised by my results, especially the Jewish ancestry! Pic of me included
Americans/Canadians with French heritage, what regions of France did the majority of your family come from?
*Repost With More Infos and Photos*French-Canadian (Québec) Ancestry DNA result.
Vanilla results compared to so many…