How reasonable/unreasonable is this estimate? HONDA CIVIC 2022 Rear Bumper, Ottawa 🇨🇦
Where can I find Mumbai cutting chai in the city?
Airbnb home prices? Can anyone explain, this is for one month
Asking for advise
Just why even do this
Hold on lemme just.... [oc]
Why do some ppl in Brampton feel so entitled to blast music sooooo loudly on the weekends?
Has the Indian Visa Ban impacted anyone here?
How does tiffin service work?
Post upanayan duties
Is there a reason why so many Dodge chargers are being driven around Brampton?
Insurance rates
Pipe leaking
G Road Test
Why is everyone on their phone at the movies?
What comes to mind when you hear "France"?
2022 Honda Civic (8500 kms) Maintenance question.
Soccer jerseys
Good hair stylists for men?
Trinity Common Traffic?
Apple care vs Credit card insurance (Canada)
Apple Care vs Credit Card insurance (Canada)
What was the outcome of the Khalistan Referendum vote?