'15 The Honey Beiger
5th Firearm Purchase, 1st Rifle.
How to cope with quitting.
Impractical gun case
When you've done a f**k ton of 🍄's and are like: I'm gonna build a HOUSE! Sadly, just sold.
Can't find boats on Sakhal? Swim.
I've been playing since day 1, and I JUST figured out how to go to a different galaxy....FML
Where can I buy wagyu steaks
I legit just spawned and this is official
The system is working exactly as designed and must be torn down
Once Terminator, now Santa Claus
Pure madness
Going through some boxes finally after moving last year, found my mid - late teenage nostalgia. Don't take my CD keys! /s
If PlayStation put every PS1-PS3 game on the PS Store, what game are you buying first?
My town's designs for a future skatepark. Which would you prefer?
Firing line at downtown Lakeland, FL :-)
Who’s playing dayz RN
Dissertation on Burnout in Craft Brewers and Distillers
New under old
WCGW skateboarding a hill with no pads
Running and gunning.
Sakhal is incongruous with day z game design in one major way - and how to fix it