Omg Seriously People.. just Relax Already..
People walking 2 abreast on sidewalk and not moving
All this talk about spiders…
What's the hardest thing for you to be without, as the US products, goods and services boycott takes root?
Let's do something big: Run home depot out of town
If I could go back 25 years and redo my self-care, I would put more focus on minerals, amino acids, balanced hydration and general nutrition than herbs.
Heartbroken in Kuwait
Just tried Tim Hortons for the first time
Canadian Considering Cancelling Bachelorette Trip to the USA
Help - my wife has too much ass for our mattresses.
Where to try Herman Miller Chairs?
Index for Canadian cities most exposed to Trump’s tariffs.
London Drugs will price match Amazon
How do we tell my stepdaughter about her stepsister’s marriage? She is going to be devastated.
What kind of mouse is this? [Massachusetts]
Oregano oil
A portrait of Princess Sofia Alekseevna looking so fierce and defiant I had to share it with you all (read below)
Vote yes on crystal pool
Tea question
6 storeys of rental units to rise from Victoria parking lot
From one of your Port Angeles friends...
help needed! what do we name our pup?? hes a sweet little boy, but very goofy and energetic!
Optimizing a tisane to avoid excess bitterness
Funny question: what’s herbalism version of olaplex?