I put Ken's verse from delinquent on CRUSH by Carti, but I need some feedback. It sounds kinda rough at the start, but it gets better as it goes
any news on when he’s dropping drugs r bad?
Does his girlfriend live with him?
does anybody know who this is?
how’s this trade?
Trading music
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
sorry this not lucki but anyone kno who this mite be or song ?
May I please get some coins ??
Look at us 💀 at least we are getting S tier music, they not
What album cover is best?🥴🥴🥴
I made a creator code banner, what yall think about it should i switch it up?
Pebbles, gone forever??
80,435 coin giveaway (please check desc)
CONCEPT carti posts tomorrow (idk how to make screenshots)
Are these trades a W?
Drop your user and i’ll send you any of your faves if i have them for free🫶
Found this artwork at my school
How many times is this guy gonna post and delete because the comments are cooking him?
can anyone drop their spotify playlist below? music in general seems to have gotten dry recently for me
Being accepted on Ken’s first abandon alt is like a trophy for the ogs