"I've certainly endured far worse than this."
I’m gonna cry
Is it just me or gwen is so shit in arena. Never won a singe games.
Highnoon Gwen Fan Splash
I don't want to be that guy, but Gwungle is going to get nerfed.
Gwen Coraline 🧵🪡 by UwuHelia!
I've stopped building Nashors on Diana and Gwen.
Chosen of the Wolf Gwen
True damage buff incoming? Do you think this will help Gwen?
Im Trying Guy’s!
i keep missing my ult
Merry gwenmas eve
Gwen Dueling
Get the Gwen emote in 40 mins, you need to watch this streamer for 1 hour to get her
Gwen is Trash Champ
I wonder if Gwen will also get a card
more art from me :)
Those who are not one-tricking Gwen, which matchups make you play a different champ?
New rune
Complimenting Champions for Gwen
The guilt is eating me up
New Learning Curve On Gwen
Literally possessed to make this after a terrible ranked game
Gwen change Idea to make more of a bruiser.
Why AP Bruiser Gwen just doesn't work with her current design.