If you could rate one part of your body 10/10, what would it be?
What’s One Piece of Advice Every Man Should Hear?
What genuinely keeps you happy in life?
What is your dream car?
When do you think AI has actually taken over human intelligence?
How happy are you with the state of the world right now, in 2025?
Groups Organizing Protests Against the Donald
if you could telepathically say something that all 7.8 billion people on earth could hear at once, what would it be?
4 years ago I did this drawing called I still hear voices. It took me 230 hours & has 1000s of faces
Best chicken ramen in seattle?
New scam alert
We doing well today !!
What’s your favorite Ramen place in Cap Hill and downtown Seattle?
What to do with $30k
Should a Boglehead buy more when the market sells?
WTF is going on?!?
Too late?
Is Trump administration good for AVAX?