Habt ihr Nvidia auf dem Schirm?
Eure Meinung zu NVIDIA?
Tipp: erst verkaufen dann Screenshot machen
Schlachtplan für morgen ?
Danke Rheiner
MTU Dip, jetzt kaufen?
Leute, das ist kein Platz für Müll, bitte macht euren Glasmüll woanders hin.
As I promised! Over 5,000 more!
COUNT TIME: how many shares do you own?
Good morning from Germany 🇩🇪 ($4.51)
20% drop is on me..
You’re not alone
WTF happened to BBBY?
All BBBY holders comment on this post...
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, August 19, 2022
Have no fear, the Germans are coming! 🚀🌕
Bought the dip BBBY 🚀🚀
How many shares of $XELA do we actually wield together? I'm HODLING 11,312 shares @ under 10 Cents!
what do you think about #xela?
My first reply on a pun I dropped.