My final post
This match from last night has now amassed 18 thousand dislikes 😳
Edge/Cope has not gotten anyone over in the 5 years since his return
Did they not test the Royal Rumble? Like, at all?
Para celebrar el pendiente Día Internacional contra el Racismo el ayuntamiento de Barcelona (España) estrenó una campaña para destacar la diversidad de la ciudad mediante pancartas con las frases “Soy barcelonés” y “Soy barcelonesa” traducidas a varios idiomas, incluso del tagalo/filipino
Every 30 Year Olds Has To Go To Court For Judicial Circuit (Choose and pick out your favorite 20 pictures of mine) but please positive comments and no negative comment.
Baste may hirit kay PBBM
Johnny Nitro (WWE Only)
What did he see (wrong answers only)
ICC judge responds to Medialdea's statement that Duterte's transfer was 'gross abuse of process'
Every Roman Reigns Wrestlemania match
I understand how much star power this match has and that it is worthy of being a main event... But wouldn’t it be unfair if, despite there being two WrestleMania main events, the Royal Rumble winner doesn’t get even one?"
Lillian Garcia is done with full time announcing for Smackdown after last night.
Man raises a sign outside of Scheveningen prison in the Hague, Netherlands.
They really are something else...
TIL Stevie Richards wrestled Drew McIntyre. Never knew they were in the same company at the same time, ever. Felt like they were both from completely different eras. Anyone got more info on that match?
Who do you think will be the next deceased wrestler to enter the prestigious WWE Hall of Fame?
Sign shown outside of Scheveningen prison in Den Haag.
Sign seen in the Netherlands. Parang Pokemon lang.
A Metallica shirt was found in the concentration camps of Jalisco, Mexico. RIP to those fans who have been victims of violence around the world.
Are there any workarounds to get a bearded Wade Barrett and a bearded Booker T this year? Something similar to their current look as commentators. Or is it gone entirely?
Any idea what happened?
That's absolutely impossible in a million years that Saul Goodman accepted being sent to Nebraska to bake cinnamon rolls.
What is going on with HBK’s manager attire?
Pete Dunne's logo is right on one side of his outfit but flipped on the other
Do people in other languages also constantly fuck up basic, easy grammar like English speakers?