Totally new into Duel!
Any Simic Commander recommendation for a resilient deck?
thoughts about my Commander deck
Had so much fun making color-shifted legends I kept going
Facebook heard it first, Constructed is dead, only Draft is viable in the new Cactuar Meta.
Which one is your Extra Combats favorite commander deck?
Help me find an explosive and fun deck!
Should I take away my Sefris deck and brew another Esper thing?
What commanders can you recommend similar to Sefris?
Does it populate?
Recommendations for any commander that can use the Karlach Secret Lair very well?
FREE Licenses for Everyday Heroes on Foundry
if i let my friend borrow my deck can i use this against him?
Seriously tho. blocked by nothing makes no sense.
Festival in a Box Misprint.
I think we should do a protest about the SLD policy.
I'm overwhelmed with all the heroes and I love it!
New players at FaB - Can we play in a budget?
Meathook Massacre leaked art - SpongeBob SLD
How will this affect Zimone, All-Questioning?
2^136279841-1 is the New Largest Known Prime Number
Are those cards the same? Why did it lose blue?
Urza vs Mishra. Which side is your deck is on?
You find this fella. Where do you guide him?
I keep this card in my wallet behind my drivers license to remind me