What character fit in those above?
What character is this?
What duo is this?
Who should go where?
Morality Ranking Tierlist (Stick Figure Version)
What will happen to The Chosen One after AvA Season 3?
Favorite character you obsesss over randomly
Da bois fighting on namek(also help me what flair should I use)
Mmmm somethings off here
NOT AGAIN!YELLOW STOP MESSING WITH THE TIME MACH-oh shit he turned himself into green alr-
TCO x Mitsi (my new favorite platonic ship)
What is Mark seeing? (Wrong Answers Only)
What is he watching? (Wrong answers only)
Favorite pink character?
Favorite character who has a unfair/tragic death?
Favorite blue character?
Favorite green character?
Victim Arc be like:
Why do people never talk about this guy??
Corn dogs irl
Favorite characters that you just wanna
Time Traveling Oldness