Reminder that only 23% of the US population voted for Trump. Stop acting like these psychos are the majority.
iT wAs JuSt A jOkE.
Deity is too easy and the optimal way to win is too bothersome.
Vil gi fredsprisen til Zelenskyj
Any men against Mandatory Patternity Testing at birth?
Toppsjef solgte Teslaen. Om Musk sier han: «Problemet er at han agerer på en måte som eksporterer et verdensbilde som ikke gjør seg gjeldende på våre breddegrader i det hele tatt. Hele narrativet om ‘fake news media’ stemmer ikke her.» Enig?
We need auto moving on units.
Domestic terrorists create a website to intimidate tesla owners with interactive map of 1500+ tesla owners and their information.
Rekordmange unge uføre i Norge
Det er direkte skummelt at noen (heldigvis få) nordmenn er så hjernevasket som dette
Trump is Making the World Great but Not How He Wants To
Civ 7 Diplomacy Isn't Broken - You're Just Looking at it Wrong
Kristne blir nå slaktet ned i Syria
900+ Hours in Civ 6, Countless in 5 & 4—Civ 7 Is a Disaster, and Steam Won't Refund Me. What Can I Do?
Is there any way to stop the AI missionaries from converting my cities every other turn?
Lunatic Liberal calling for Gang Rapes of Republican Women
Elden-advokat mener kjønn bør ha noe å si for straffen – NRK Østfold
These ideas need to be pushed hard everywhere
The fall of Tesla is proving to me the power is still with people.
Guy cheated on his ex, not familiar with the concept of consequences.
Cheated on my ex, still in love, and feeling stuck - need advice
Protest outside a republican event, Maumee
Workers shamed for doing their job
Who would like to see a Crisis difficulty option?
How to add support to another AIs war in Civ VII?
Høyre-politiker vil at Norge skal kutte som Elon Musk