Rare Spec?
Nazi flag flying in Schwenksville PA
New CLA (Fully electric on the all new MMA platform)
Came across this at the gas station today. Kinda dark
‘Recession brunette’ hair trend grows amid rising financial concerns
Obsessed !
Are Capricorns compatible with Libras?
My wife thinks it's entirely normal to dance with strangers at clubs, I think so otherwise.
So, Fall Mums planted in-ground really do come back in spring?
Husband's parents trying to tell us they have the right to see our newborn after delivery
AITA for not wanting to see my in laws so often
$48 USD of candy 🫠
Started at 10am and here's the room at 6pm
Is it me??
Your children will be placed in the custody of carls jr.
Global News: Parents are holding ‘measles parties’ in the U.S., alarming health experts
How often do you hang out with your MIL?
Good food?
Is it illegal for MAGAs to understand facts?
Anyone know where I can buy this jacket that Johnny’s wearing?
Please be honest - did having children hurt your career?
Had to look twice
Look at the primary shower 👀
Are there truly successful Capricorns? Will my Capricorn fiance step up?